About Wiri Yuwiburra Community Benefits Trust
We do not determine what Aboriginal People should do - we ask them what they want to achieve and be - we ask them how we can help.
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Grant Programs
WYCBT provides funding for capacity building in education, training, sport, cultural heritage and wellbeing, business development and research.
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About Wiri Yuwiburra Community Benefits Trust
We do not determine what Aboriginal People should do - we ask them what they want to achieve and be - we ask them how we can help.
Discover our grant programs
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Our Purpose

To develop, support and promote programs and activities for the benefit of people from the identified communities.

We support:

  • Education & Training
  • Representative sports
  • Cultural heritage and wellbeing
  • Business development and research

that encourage individuals to maximise their skills, abilities and potential. We aim to assist social, emotional or economic advancement of our people.

Grant Programs

Community Benefits

Education & Training

Business Development


Your Testimonials

2024 Impacts


Total Distributions

Education & Training
